New approach from PNG School Books

I know that teachers in South Pacific schools have great difficulty getting the textbooks they require. Therefore I would like to help you obtain the books you need for any subject in either primary or secondary.

This site illustrates only the books written or co-written by me but I promise to do my best to source and supply any other textbook required at the best price possible.

As you may be aware I am not the largest bookseller online. However I am one with good knowledge of what books you require and how such books should be written and produced. You might judge this yourself by reading other articles written by me on this website. I gained my experience from teaching and developing curriculum for the Departments of Education in both PNG and the Solomon Islands over many years. Since retiring I’ve contributed to writing the books included on this site.

Please contact me with any questions you may have.

This photograph was taken at Waimapuru High School, San Cristobal Island in Makira Province, Solomon Islands, a long time ago. Mi lapun nau!

Brian Robertson in the Solomon Islands