Ples Bilong Yumi Teacher's Resource

Ples Bilong Yumi Teacher's Resource

This teacher’s Resource contains advice and suggestions for each story on:

  • Outcomes—there are three or four outcomes listed for each story achievable by students through listening to or reading the story and by participating in associated learning activities. A table is also provided referring to the syllabus outcomes.
  • Technical information—this is scientific or subject specific information relating to the subject matter of the story about which students might ask questions.
  • Discussion questions—these are questions around which the teacher might structure talking, writing or other learning activities.
    Important words—these are the technical or unusual words mentioned in the student book or in this book to which teacher may (or may not) wish to draw students’ attention.
  • Activities—these are suggested student activities connected to the story that will assist students achieve story outcomes and help them work towards achieving syllabus outcomes.

Author: Brian Robertson and Kerepuke Toben

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